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Senior Iraqi Police Commander Killed In North Iraq

A suicide bomber has killed a senior Iraqi police officer in northern Iraq as security forces regained ground from Islamic State (IS) militants in the strategic town of Baiji.

The bomber detonated an explosives-rigged truck at a checkpoint in the Al-Sinai area on November 7, killing Major General Faisal Ahmed.

The bombing came after a senior officer told AFP news agency that government forces were now holding "more than 70 percent" of Baiji and were battling to capture the rest.

Last week, Iraqi forces entered the town which had been under the control of IS for months.

The assault could open the way to breaking a months-old siege of government forces defending Iraq's largest oil refinery, which is near Baiji.

The town also lies on the main highway to Iraq's IS-controlled second city Mosul.

Based on reporting by AFP and Reuters

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