IGC Dissolves, New Government Appointed

1 June 2004 -- Members of the U.S.-installed Iraqi Governing Council said today that the council has decided to dissolve now that Iraq has a newly designated interim government.
The new government was to formally take over on 30 June, but council member Mahmud Othman was quoted as saying the Governing Council "no longer exists."

Earlier today, the current head of the council, Ghazi Ajil al-Yawir was designated interim president of Iraq and the newly named prime minister,
Iyad Allawi, announced his cabinet.

Al-Yawir called for "full sovereignty" to be restored to Iraq. "We the Iraqis also look forward to being granted full sovereignty through a Security Council resolution to enable us to rebuild a free, independent, democratic and federal, unified homeland," Al-Yawir said.

Allawi pledged to lead Iraq toward democracy.

(wire reports)