Voters Choosing Expanded European Parliament

12 June 2004 -- European voters, including citizens of new EU member states, are choosing 732 members of the European Parliament today.
Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands, and the Czech Republic have completed their voting. Polls in Malta, Latvia, and Italy are still open, and the rest of the 25 EU members will vote tomorrow. Preliminary results from all the votes are expected tomorrow.

In the Czech Republic, one of the 10 new EU member states, exit polls showed the opposition Civic Democratic Party, which opposes strong EU authority, in the lead. The Communist Party appeared to be in second place.

Irish voters weighed in on the side of opposition left-wing parties.

Turnout so far has run the gamut from an expected 80 to 90 percent in Malta to around 27 percent in the Czech Republic.

(compiled from wire reports)