El-Baradei Says Terror Networks Could Steal Atomic Material

22 March 2005 -- The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Muhammad el-Baradei, says world leaders face a race against time to keep radioactive materials away from terrorists.
El-Baradei said at the conference on civilian atomic power programs in Paris that there is an increased risk terror networks could steal atomic material.

Earlier in the day, el-Baradei told reporters that questions of regional security cannot be an affair for the Europeans alone. He said Iranians will "very much need" American assurances as well.

France, Britain, and Germany are offering Iran political and economic incentives if it permanently abandons all work on the nuclear fuel cycle.

The United States accuses Iran of pursuing nuclear weapons under cover of an atomic energy program.

Iran says its nuclear ambitions are limited to peaceful electricity generation.
