Iranian Government Raids House Of Jailed Dissident

Iranians demonstrating in support of Ganji last month 8 August 2005 (RFE/RL) -- Iranian judicial agents today raided the Tehran home of jailed Iranian dissident journalist Akhbar Ganji.
Ganji has been on a hunger strike for nearly 60 days to protest his jailing in 2001 for articles criticizing members of the ruling regime.

He is currently in detention in a Tehran hospital.

Journalist and reformist Issa Saharkhiz, a friend of the family, said today that Ganji's daughter asked him for help because she said agents from the Tehran prosecution branch were searching their home.

Ganji, 46, is entering the 59th day of his hunger strike, and his wife Massoumeh Shafiie and legal team, including Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi, have voiced fears at his deteriorating health.

Ganji is serving a six-year prison term.


See also:

Concern Grows Over Fate Of Jailed Journalist