Ukrainian Parliament Approves PM

Yuriy Yekhanurov (file photo) 22 September 2005 (RFE/RL) -- Ukraine's parliament has approved President Viktor Yushchenko's candidate for prime minister.
Yuriy Yekhanurov received 289 votes out of 450 in the country's parliament, the Verkhovna Rada.

Before the vote, Yushchenko spoke before the parliament.

"I appeal to you as political leaders, I appeal to civil and business circles -- we must bury the hatchet of war, hide it far under the bench and forget where it is," Yushchenko said.

The vote comes two days after lawmakers rejected Yekhanurov by a narrow margin.

Yekhanurov succeeds Yuliya Tymoshenko, who was sacked two weeks ago amid infighting and accusations of corruption among senior officials.

(With agencies)

See also:

Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Offers President Olive Branch

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