EU Ministers Study Iran Nuclear Proposal

Workers at Iran's controversial uranium-enrichment facility in Isfahan (file photo) (epa) 7 November 2005 -- EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana said today that the European Union is studying a call by Iran to restart negotiations on its nuclear program.

EU foreign ministers are addressing Iran and its nuclear program at their monthly meeting in Brussels.

Iranian officials yesterday called for a resumption of nuclear talks with so-called EU-3: Britain, France, and Germany. Talks broke off in August after Iran rejected the EU's offer of economic and political incentives in exchange for Iran shutting down some of its nuclear activities.

EU foreign ministers are also expected to remark on Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad's recent statements that Israel should be wiped out, and to address the human rights situation in Iran.


Also see RFE/RL's special page on Iran's Nuclear Program.