Israeli Experts In Russia To Seek Support For Possible Iran Sanctions

Iran's resumption of its nuclear activities has not gone unnoticed by Israel (file photo) (official site) 18 January 2006 -- A delegation of Israeli nuclear and security experts is in Moscow today to try to persuade Russia to back possible international sanctions against Iran over Iran's nuclear program.
National Security Council chief Giora Eiland and the director of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission, Gideon Frank, met with Federal Atomic Energy Agency head Sergei Kirienko.

Russia says it shares European and U.S. concerns over Tehran's recent decision to resume sensitive nuclear activities.

But Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on 17 January said Russia is not yet ready to join Western moves for Iran to be referred immediately to the UN Security Council for possible sanctions.

Acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has warned Iran that Israel will not allow anyone who threatens the Jewish state obtain nuclear weapons. Iran denies any intention of developing nuclear arms.