Coalition Agreement In Ukraine May Be Weeks Away

An Our Ukraine activist distributes campaign flags ahead of the March 26 parliamentary election (file photo) (epa) April 11, 2006 -- Ukraine's pro-presidential Our Ukraine party today suggested it might take at least another two few weeks before an agreement on a governing coalition is reached.

An Our Ukraine statement quotes Roman Zvarych, the party's chief legal adviser and Ukraine's former justice minister, as saying an agreement might be signed after the first session of the newly elected parliament.

The outgoing legislature is expected to hold its final session on April 26.

Our Ukraine is engaged in uneasy coalition talks with former Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko's bloc and the Socialist Party. Our Ukraine is also holding consultations with the pro-Russian Party of Regions of former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych.

President Viktor Yushchenko met on April 11 with Yanukovych and the leaders of the other four parties that, in the March 26 vote, gathered the three percent needed to enter parliament.

(Ukrayinska Pravda)

The Key Players

The Key Players

BEHIND THE IMAGES: Click on the links below to read RFE/RL's profiles of some of the key players in Ukraine's March 26 legislative elections:

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