Iraqi General Killed In Kirkuk

(RFE/RL) June 24, 2006 (RFE/RL) -- A bomb planted on a road in the northern Iraqi oil city of Kirkuk exploded today, killing an Iraqi general in charge of intelligence, his deputy, and a bodyguard, RFE/RL's Radio Free Iraq reported.

Iraqi authorities say Brigadier General Musa Hashim and his entourage was traveling in a convoy when the blast occurred.

Hachim was director of intelligence and counterterrorism operations in Kirkuk.

In other violence, a suicide car bomb exploded in Al-Dhuluiyah, 90 kilometers north of Baghdad, killing five members of an Iraqi security patrol.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki was expected to present a national reconciliation plan to parliament on June 25.

The plan reportedly sets out to remove powerful militias from the streets, open a dialogue with insurgents, and review the status of purged members of Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath party.

(with material from AP, dpa, Reuters)

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