CIS Prosecutors Elect Russian To Head Council

Yury Chaika (file photo) (ITAR-TASS) August 22, 2006 -- Russian Prosecutor-General Yury Chaika has been elected chairman of the CIS prosecutor-generals' coordination council.

The election took place today at a meeting of CIS prosecutor-generals in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan.

Participants agreed to step up efforts against corruption. A formal document to that effect should be signed at the next meeting of the coordination council that will take place in Kazakhstan next spring.

(Asia-Plus, Interfax)

Russia Beyond 2008

Russia Beyond 2008

President Putin is mulling his political future (epa)

THE 2008 QUESTION: President Vladimir Putin's second term of office ends in the spring of 2008. Since the Russian Constitution bars him from seeking a third consecutive term, this event threatens to present a crisis in a country that has a history of managed power transitions. Already, Russian politics are dominated by the ominous 2008 question.
RFE/RL's Washington office hosted a briefing to discuss the prospects of Putin seeking a third term. The featured speakers were RFE/RL Communications Director Don Jensen and political scientist Peter Reddaway of George Washington University.


Listen to Don Jensen's presentation (about 16 minutes):
Real Audio Windows Media


Listen to Peter Reddaway's presentation (about 35 minutes):
Real Audio Windows Media


Will Putin Pursue Third Term, Or Will It Pursue Him?

Could Yakunin Be 'First-Called' As Putin's Successor?

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RFE/RL's English-language coverage of Russia.


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