Russia: Yeltsin To Return To Moscow

Moscow, 30 April 1997 (RFE/RL) -- Russian President Boris Yeltsin will return to Moscow this evening from his holiday in the Black Sea resort of Sochi.

The presidential press service says Yeltsin will make a radio address to the nation tomorrow at 11 a.m. Moscow time on the occasion of the May Day holiday.

Earlier today in Sochi, Yeltsin met Interior Minister Anatoly Kulikov, who briefed the president on the investigation into Monday's train station bombing in the southern city of Pyatigorsk. Yeltsin also held talks with First Deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov. The two discussed a number of planned measures to fight corruption.

Presidential spokesman Sergei Yasztrzhembsky said Yeltsin will soon sign a decree requiring government officials to declare their incomes and property holdings.