Olympic Athletes Dressed For Success

A Ukrainian athlete sports the team's dress uniform with a bold pattern and flared collar during a parade in Kyiv.

The Belarusian Olympic delegation poses in sleek white suits in Victory Square in Minsk before their departure for London.

Italian fashion label Ermanno Scervino designed Azerbaijan's formal wear, rumored to be the most expensive of the ceremonial uniforms. The designs incorporate the colors, crescent moon, and eight-pointed star of Azerbaijan's flag.

Weightlifter Iliya Ilin wears the Kazakh uniform in the colors of the national flag. Designer Kuralay Nurkadilova describes the look as mixing street fashion with a classic style.

Russian synchronized swimmers show off one of the uniforms designed by Moscow's Bosco di Ciliegi label.

Kyrgyz Olympic athletes meet with President Almazbek Atambaev at the White House in Bishkek.The team's uniforms bear traditional Kyrgyz designs on the shoulders.

The Tajik Olympic team, posing in Dushanbe, also wear formal dress with subtle Central Asian flourishes.

Afghan sprinter Tahmina Kohestani wears the team's simple suit before the Games -- but for the Opening Ceremony, she's expected to be the only team member in Afghan national dress.

The women of the Moldovan Olympic team wear blouses inspired by folk costumes.

Georgian sportsmen pose in their tracksuits. Their formal uniforms, designed by Georgian fashionista Eka Gotsiridze, will only be unveiled at the opening ceremony.

Montenegrin Olympians sport the khaki suits created by well-known designer Marina Banovic Dzuver, with the country's coat of arms on the pocket.