UN Tells U.S. To Report Civilian Casualties In Drone Attacks

A soldier stands in front of a "Shadow" Unmanned Aerial System during an official presentation by the German and U.S. Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) at the U.S. military base in Vilseck-Grafenwoehr in October.

The United Nations has called on the United States to disclose the number of civilian casualties possibly caused by drone strikes against suspected militants in various countries.

A preliminary report by the UN Special Rapporteur Ben Emmerson says information indicates that more than 450 civilians may have been killed in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Yemen in such strikes.

Emmerson said a final report would not be released until next year, as more work needs to be done to confirm these figures.

He said the United States and other countries that use pilotless drone planes for attacks outside war zones have an obligation to probe reported civilian deaths and offer legal justification for the strikes.

Washington provides very little public information about its drone program, especially in Pakistan and Yemen.

Based on reporting by AP and telegraph.co.uk