Father Of Russian Girl Who Drew Anti-War Picture Is Being Held In Belarus Pending Extradition Hearing

Aleksei Moskalyov was reportedly detained in the Belarusian city of Zhodzina on April 4. (file photo)

Aleksei Moskalyov, who was sentenced in absentia to two years in prison by Russia and deprived of his parental rights after his 13-year-old daughter drew an anti-war picture, is being held in a jail in Belarus, Russia’s Foreign Ministry reported on April 7. According to the statement, Moskalyov, 54, was detained in the city of Zhodzina on April 4 and is being held pending an extradition hearing. His daughter, Maria, was briefly held in a Russian orphanage before being handed over to her mother, who has long been separated from Moskalyov. Rights groups have urged Belarus not to extradite Moskalyov. To read the original story by RFE/RL’s Russian Service, click here.