Ayatollah Backs Hymen Repair

Advocates of hymenoplasty (hymen repair), which is said to be widespread in Iran, receive backing from a grand ayatollah in Qom.

From The Guardian:

Advocates of the operation have recently received support from an unexpected source. In a society where women can be imprisoned or executed for premarital sex, a high-ranking cleric has come to the defense of hymen repair. Grand Ayatollah Sadeq Rouhani (Qom), has issued a fatwa permitting the operation.

He has also recognised a woman's subsequent marriage as legitimate. This means that among followers of Rouhani a man can no longer claim divorce on the grounds that he was duped about his wife's virginity. It remains to be seen if young Iranian men and their families will gradually give up this sexual hypocrisy now that women have at least one religious leader on their side.

-- Golnaz Esfandiari