Cameron: West Should Increase Pressure On Iran

Prime Minister David Cameron's statement appeared to lend weight to harsh words earlier in the day from the United States.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has said the West should "ratchet up" pressure on Iran because "all the evidence points in the same direction -- that Iran is intent on developing nuclear weapons."

Cameron's comments echo an earlier statement by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who earlier in the day called a Turkey- and Brazil-brokered fuel-exchange plan for Iran a "transparent ploy" by Tehran to avoid new UN Security Council sanctions over its disputed nuclear program.

The fuel-exchange agreement would send Iranian uranium to Turkey for development in exchange for fuel rods needed by Tehran. A day after the agreement was announced last week, the United States released a draft resolution for a fourth round of UN sanctions on Iran.

Iran insists that its nuclear program is peaceful, but Western countries fear it is secretly developing nuclear weapons.