Confessions Of A Man

A woman at an opposition rally in Tehran

Blogger Masireh Sabz (The Green Path) admits he’s been wrong about Iranian women.

He says he has come to realize how courageous Iran’s women really after witnessing their participation in the ongoing protests against the reelection of President Mahmud Ahmadinejad:

[With all due respect] I confess that I considered women useless and cowardly creatures before the June 12 presidential vote.

I confess that my perceptions toward the female gender changed after witnessing young girls and women -- side by side with men -- rising against the suppressive Basij force and members of the Revolutionary Guards on motorcycles, chanting slogans against them and being beaten up by them.

I confess that [after] I saw young girls next to us during the November 4 protest, throwing stones toward the forces of the government, I realized that I had been wrong about them for years.