18-Year-Old Victim Of Postelection Crackdown Buried

Mohmmad Kamrani

Iranian news websites are reporting that another victim of Iran’s postelection crackdown, 18-year-old Mohammad Kamrani -- who was arrested at a July 9 demonstration in Tehran -- was buried over the weekend at Behesht Zahra cemetery.

The reason of his death is not clear.

Authorities reportedly told his family that he had been injured. Several websites are reporting that he died of injuries sustained during his detention.

Kamrani was taken upon arrest to the Kahrizak detention center and then transferred to the notorious Evin prison.

Evin officials informed his family on July 15 that he had been transferred to Loghman hospital, reportedly in critical condition. Kamrani's family transferred him to the private Mehr hospital, where he died the next day.

Meanwhile, the mowjcamp website is reporting that the family of 26-year-old Neda Agha Soltan -- the woman whose videotaped death became an iconic symbol of the opposition struggle -- is planning to gather at her grave on July 30, the 40th day since she died.

-- Golnaz Esfandiari