Iranian Student Activist Rearrested For Unknown Reasons

Mohammad Reza Jalaeipour

Oxford doctoral student Mohammad Reza Jalaeipour, who campaigned for opposition leader Mir Hossein Musavi in last year's presidential election, has reportedly been arrested.

Jalaeipour's wife, Fatemeh Shams, who lives in Britain, has posted an account of his arrest on her blog. She says Jalaeipour's father provided her with the details of his arrest. She says it is the third time the 27-year-old Jalaeipour has been arrested in the past year.

She says he had been told by authorities that he should go to a mosque to receive his passport, which had been confiscated after his arrest on June 17, 2009. Instead, she writes, Jalaeipour came home from the mosque with five plainclothes agents, who were "disrespectful" and searched the house for three hours. They confiscated some of his personal belongings, including his computer.

She writes that Jalaiepour became upset and told them, "This is the house of three martyrs...Do you realize what you are doing? Take me with you, if that's what you're after."

According to her account, one of the agents replied: "We acted firmly against the grandson of the imam [a reference to Hassan Khomeini, the grandson of founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini). You're not more than him."

Shams writes in her blog that when Jalaiepour's father expressed outrage over the remarks, one of the security agents referred to Hassan Khomeini as "dishonest" and added, "Don't worry. Ahmadinejad will become president for a third term."

She says it is not clear on whose orders and on what charges her husband was rearrested. Before his arrest, Iran's judiciary had reportedly declared his case closed.

Jalaeipour had advised Musavi on the use of social networking sites such as Facebook to reach out to young Iranians.

-- Golnaz Esfandiari