Karrubi's Message Of Change

Every candidate in Iran's June 12 presidential election is being given an opportunity to air a 30-minute campaign advertisement. Last night was reformist candidate Mehdi Karrubi's turn.

But pro-Karrubi websites announced today that channels airing his slot were unavailable in five provinces due to a power outage. And those who did manage to see it, reportedly only saw a censored version. The Karrubi camp is in uproar.

Another Karrubi campaign video on the web -- featuring street scenes of Iranians holding up signs with slogans -- targets Iran's mass of young voters, many of them politically savvy and unemployed.

Both Mir Hossein Musavi and Karrubi are courting student activists and former student activists, many of whom didn't vote in 2005 but are expected to play a significant role this year.

The signs held up in the video read as follows:

1. Support citizens' rights
2. Address poverty
3. Give oil profit to the people
4. Calm the fears of the international community
5. Provide free access to information
6. Support women who work
7. Condemn violence against women
8. Address crime
9. Educate everyone
10. Recognize the rights of different tribes and religions
11. Support nongovernmental organizations
12. Liberalize society
13. We have come for the change