Protest Against Obama's 'Nuclear Threat' In Tehran

The semi-official Fars news agency reported that "academics" from all over Iran attended a gathering today in front of the UN office in Tehran to protest the "silence" of the United Nations over what is being described as the United States' nuclear threat against the Islamic republic.

Fars has posted some pictures of the state-sponsored protest against "Obama's nuclear threat" in the Iranian capital.

Fars says protesters were holding banners with slogans against the United States and against nuclear weapons, including: "U.S. is the only nuclear criminal in the world," "Nuclear energy for all, Nuclear weapons for no one," "Obama's threats are a sign of our power," and "Obama, Ebadi, congratulations on your union".

Most of the slogans are a reflection of the May 3 speech by Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad at the United Nations, in which he blasted the United States and said it was the "main suspect" in the stockpiling, spread, and threat of nuclear weapons

Iran's official IRNA news agency has reported that following today's protest the "academics" issued a statement and called on the UN to hold an emergency session to review U.S. threats.

Ahmadinejad's accusations against the United States and today's protest seem to be Tehran's reaction to Washington's efforts to rally support for tougher UN sanctions over Iran's disputed nuclear program.

-- Golnaz Esfandiari