Remembering A Postelection Victim: Kianoosh Asa

Students at Tehran's Elm o Sanat University today remembered colleague Kianoosh Asa, who was killed nearly a year ago in the aftermath of Iran's disputed presidential election.

The "Daneshjoonews" website says some 400 students participated in the gathering to honor the memory of Asa, a chemical engineering student at the time of his death.

Asa reportedly was injured and went missing on June 15 during a peaceful protest in Tehran over the reelection of President Mahmud Ahmadinejad. His family identified his body 10 days later. He was apparently killed by a gunshot to the neck.

Here's a video, reportedly from today's gathering, where students are chanting "Ya Hossein, Mir Hossein."

Here's another video from the same gathering, where students are holding pictures of Kianoosh Asa and chanting protest slogans including "Allah Akbar" and "My martyred brother, I will get your right back."

In this next video, a man who is said to be a university Basij member is filming students who have taken part in the gathering.

And here's a video of Asa playing music that was released last year following his death.

-- Golnaz Esfandiari