Bosnian Muslim Community Elects Moderate Grand Mufti

The new Bosnian grand mufti Husein Kavazovic

The Bosnian Muslim community have elected moderate cleric Hussein Kavazovic as its new spiritual leader, or grand mufti.

Kavazovic, who has been mufti of the Tuzla region since 1992, was chosen on September 24 to replace respected cleric Mustafa Ceric, who stepped down this summer after completing two terms as grand mufti.

Kavazovic, 48, is viewed as a moderate religious leader who is committed to improving relations among Bosnia-Herzegovina's three main ethno-religious groups -- Muslim, Catholic Croats, and Orthodox Serbs.

Kavazovic is remembered for a statement he issued following the 1995 massacre of Muslim boys and men by the Bosnian Serb Army in Srebrenica calling on Muslims not to retaliate.

Based on reporting by AFP, "Vesti," and Blits