The Daily Vertical: Kremlin Hack -- Should We Be Surprised? (Transcript)

So the circumstantial and forensic evidence increasingly suggests that Russia was indeed behind the hacking of the Democratic National Committee's e-mail servers.

Should this come as a surprise? Clearly not to anybody who is paying attention.

In recent years, state-backed Russian hackers have been implicated in cyberattacks against a French television station, a German steelmaker, the Polish stock exchange, Estonian banks and government offices, The New York Times, the U.S. House of Representatives, the State Department, and the White House.

So why not the DNC too?

And if -- as many suspect -- the hack was part of an effort to sabotage a U.S. election, this would indeed be very disturbing. And it would be disturbing regardless of which party or which candidate they were attempting to help or harm.

But the fact that Russia would attempt this should also hardly be surprising.

Russia has been using various tools to intervene in the politics of various Western countries for some time now.

WATCH: Today's Daily Vertical

It has been using media stealthily backed by the Kremlin to poison public discourse in various European countries.

It gave moral support to the Brexit campaign in the United Kingdom.

If has provided loans to Marine Le Pen's National Front in France and has backed extremists across the continent.

And it has manufactured scandals, like the infamous Lisa case in Germany, to turn the public opinion against governments the Kremlin finds inconvenient.

As I've noted before, these things are all part of a broad non-kinetic war that the Kremlin is waging against the West.

We shouldn't be surprised that Russia was behind the DNC hack. We should have seen it coming.

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