The Daily Vertical: How Low Can You Go? (Transcript)

Well, if you thought the Kremlin couldn't sink much lower; if you thought it couldn't get any more petty; if you thought it couldn't be any more cruel; then you'd better think again.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has announced that Russia was reneging on its offer to allow Ukrainian doctors to examine kidnapped military pilot Nadia Savchenko.

The reason? The kangaroo court trying Savchenko on fabricated charges was apparently offended by what Lavrov described as her "inflammatory behavior" during her final statement.

Giving the judge the middle finger, calling Vladimir Putin a tyrant, calling your abductors fascists, and defiantly singing the Ukrainian national anthem is apparently not appropriate behavior for a hostage during a Russian-run show trial.

Savchenko is reportedly suffering from heart problems due to her repeated hunger strikes and need medical attention.

You, of course, can't say enough about the bravery and character of this remarkable woman who -- regardless of how this absurd and tragic charade plays out -- is destined to go down in history.

And the contrast with her abductors, with her tormentors, couldn't be more sharp.

Russia's behavior is that of a deeply insecure, deeply dysfunctional, and very dangerous state.

With its duplicity, its pettiness, and its cruelty, Putin's regime is destined to destined to go down in history as well -- but for entirely different reasons than Savchenko.

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