State Media: Two Killed In Explosion In Eastern Aleppo

Syrian state media said two people were killed and 33 others injured in a blast in eastern Aleppo on December 24 as some residents were returning to their homes after the government assumed full control of the city earlier this week.

State TV said the explosion was caused by explosives left behind by rebel fighters who withdrew from their last remaining enclave under a cease-fire deal after more than four years of fighting.

The explosion took place inside a school and an adjacent building in the neighborhood of al-Sukri, state news agency SANA reported, citing a local police official.

The dpa news agency quoted an unnamed military source as saying the two fatalities were government soldiers.

"Military engineering units are now combing eastern Aleppo districts, especially places which the terrorists used as their premises and weapon warehouses," the source was quoted as saying.

Meanwhile, a monitoring group said that six civilians were killed in air strikes on the rebel-held town of Atareb, west of Aleppo city on December 24.

At least two children were among the dead, said the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Based on reporting by AP, dpa, AFP