Giffords Taken Off Ventilator

Gabrielle Giffords was shot on January 8

In what's being called another sign of improvement in her condition, U.S. Congressional lawmaker Gabrielle Giffords, who was gravely injured when she was shot in the head in the Tucson, Arizona, massacre, has been taken off a ventilator and is breathing on her own.

Hospital officials said on January 15 that a tracheotomy tube had been inserted in Gifford's windpipe, freeing her from the ventilator, and permitting her to continue breathing on her own.

Doctors said she remains in critical condition, but seems to be recovering well.

In another development, a man who was shot and injured in the Tucson rampage has been arrested after allegedly threatening a politician.

Reports say that during a discussion about gun control during a meeting on January 15 in Tucson, James Fuller, 63, took a picture of a conservative "tea party" politician and said, "You're dead."

Police said Fuller was arrested on charges of disorderly conduct and making threats, and was taken to a hospital for a mental health examination.

Fuller was one of 19 people who were shot in the January 8 attack in the Tucson supermarket parking lot. He spent two days in the hospital after being hit in the knee and back.

The shooting spree left six people dead. A 22-year-old man has been arrested and charged with carrying out the attack.

compiled from agency reports