In Wake Of Trayvon Martin Case, Tumblr Shows The Faces Of Black Men

The family of Trayvon Martin speak before the City of Sanford commissioners, in Sanford, Florida on March 26

The death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager who was shot dead in Florida, has electrified America and sparked a discussion about gun culture and race.

In the wake of the coverage, the Maynard Institute, a California-based nonprofit, has started a new Tumblr, The Faces Of Black Man.
And it is exactly that.
Somewhere between the inaccurate and distorted media images of the black male super predator and the black male superhero, live the majority of black men. They are fathers, brothers, doctors, bloggers, editors, school teachers, accountants and more.
Check it out here. It's not gone viral yet but it might.