Hillary Clinton Hopes For Deal Limiting Iran's Nuclear Ambitions

U.S. Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton flouted her foreign policy expertise on July 4, saying she hopes the United States reaches a "strong, verifiable deal" to curb Iran's nuclear weapons program.

The former secretary of state, who helped start the talks that are nearing completion in Vienna, set a sharp contrast with Republican candidates, who have mostly criticized the preliminary deal reached with Iran this spring as not strong enough to prevent Tehran from developing a nuclear bomb.

Clinton said she hopes the deal will "put the lid on Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions."

She earlier described a good deal as one that "verifiably cuts off all of Iran's paths to a nuclear weapon" and "imposes an intrusive inspection program with no sites off limits."

Even with an agreement, Clinton added she expects Iran will continue to sponsor turmoil in the Middle East.

"Iran's aggressiveness will not end," she said.

Campaigning in New Hampshire, Clinton also said the United States needs to be "much smarter in how we deal" with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"He's not an easy man... But I don't think there is any substitute other than constant engagement," she said.

Based on reporting by AP and Reuters