Iran's President-Elect Pledges 'Constructive Interaction' With Outside World

Iran’s President-elect Hassan Rohani said he would move to build trust and ease tensions once he takes office on August 3.

Iranian President-elect Hassan Rohani has vowed to use his time in office to improve ties between world powers and Tehran.

Speaking in his first live television address since his election on June 14, Rohani said on June 29 he would pursue "moderation in foreign policy" through what he called "constructive interaction" with the outside world.

Rohani did not directly mention two Iranian policies that have proven most controversial in the West, that of its disputed nuclear program and its support for the embattled regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

Rohani, a moderate cleric who won almost 51 percent of the vote in elections to succeed hard-liner Mahmud Ahmadinejad, said he would move to build trust and ease tensions once he takes office on August 3.

Based on reporting by AFP and AP