Tehran Jails French-Iranian Woman Who Tried To Visit Sick Mother

A French-Iranian citizen who left Iran in 2009 after facing espionage charges has been sentenced to six years in jail but was released on bail.

Kaleme, an Iranian opposition website, reported late on April 24 that former French Embassy employee Nazak Afshar was arrested in March upon her arrival at Tehran’s international airport.

The website reported that the 58-year-old Afshar was freed on bail from Tehran’s notorious Evin prison after she was formally charged.

Iran’s judiciary has not commented on her case or made the charges against her public.

Several other dual-nationality citizens or expatriates have been arrested upon returning to visit Iran.

A spokesman for the Iranian judiciary said on April 24 that four dual-nationality citizens had recently been sentenced for their connections to foreign countries.

Based on reporting by Reuters, AP, and Kaleme