Iraqi PM Claims Islamic State Plotting To Attack U.S., Paris Subways

The Iraqi prime minister says he has received “credible” reports that Islamic State militants had planned to launch attacks on subway systems in Paris and the United States.

Speaking on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi said he was told of the plot by Baghdad on September 25.

Abadi told a small group of U.S. reporters, "Today, while I am here, I am receiving accurate reports from Baghdad where there was [the] arrest of [a] few elements and there are networks planning from inside Iraq to have attacks."

The information could not immediately be verified with French and U.S. authorities.

The White House said, "We have not confirmed such a plot."

The announcement comes amid a U.S.-led international aerial campaign against the Islamic State extremist group in Iraq and Syria.

Based on reporting by AP and Reuters