Kazakh Miners On Strike For Better Working Conditions

Kazakh miners picket their workplace in the Ulytau region on August 14.

Hundreds of Kazakh miners employed by the largest copper producer in Central Asia, the Kazakhmys Corporation, went on strike on August 14 at the mines in Satpaev, in the central Kazakh region of Ulytau. The protesters put forward a list of 15 demands, including the improvement of working conditions, the modernization of mining equipment, the hiring of extra workers, and enhanced vacations, disability, and financial benefits. Local authorities and law enforcement officials went to talk to the strikers, officials told RFE/RL. The Kazakhmys Corporation declined to comment on the strike, saying they were preparing “up-to-date information.” To read the original story by RFE/RL’s Kazakh Service, click here.