Key Witness In Memo Scandal Refuses To Travel To Pakistan

Former Ambassador to United States Husain Haqqani lost his job to the scandal.

A key witness who has been asked to appear before Pakistani judges investigating the so-called memogate scandal implicating the president is refusing to travel to Pakistan to testify.

Mansour Ijaz, a U.S.-Pakistani citizen, has offered to record his testimony abroad and submit it to the Supreme Court.

He says he fears he could be detained if he returns to Pakistan.

Ijaz has implicated President Asif Ali Zardari in a memo allegedly asking the United States to help thwart a military coup.

Ijaz says he was asked to deliver the memo to the U.S. administration.

Pakistan's government has denied any involvement.

Ijaz has also refused to appear before a parliamentary committee that is separately probing the memo, which has exacerbated the already tense relations between Pakistan's civilian government and the powerful military.

compiled from agency reports