A New Home In Siberia For Kyrgyz Migrants

An ethnically mixed Kyrgyz and Yakut family in Yakutiya

Kyrgyz migrant Toichubek runs a successful cattle and horse ranch in the village of Kutugun in the Irkutsk region.

Children of Kyrgyz migrants at play. The Kyrgyz language is often heard in the yards outside some apartment blocks in Krasnoyarsk.

Kyrgyz workers change a kitchen gas cylinder in the village of Uedei village in Yakutia.

A popular Kyrgyz-style restaurant in Yakutsk

Ulan serves in the Yakutsk police department; his wife teaches history at a local university; and their daughter Aigerim was one of the first Kyrgyz students to graduate from the local high school with top honors.

On board the train from Irkutsk to Krasnoyarsk

Many migrants work as traders at the market in Yakutsk.

A Kyrgyz migrant in Krasnoyarsk has organized a volleyball tournament as part of his son's wedding celebration.  

A market trader in Irkutsk

Mechanics in Irkutsk

Many migrants bring goods to local markets from the massive Dordoi market near Bishkek, the Kyrgyz capital.

A Kyrgyz market vendor in Irkutsk

The village of Kutugun in the Irkutsk region. Some Kyrgyz migrants keep horses to produce kumis, a mildly alcoholic drink made from fermented horse milk.

Horses are brought in for milking near the village of Kutugun.

The road to Abakan, Khakassia