The Rundown - September 9

News & views on RFE's broadcast region

# "Foreign Policy" reports on flood-affected children being at risk of disease
# "Path Of Democracy" - I.A. Rehman, "Dawn"
# "A State OF Functional Anarchy" - Anwer Mooraj, "Express Tribune"

# Hamid Karzai wants to impose rules restricting international involvement in anti-corruption probes
# The UK envoy to Afghanistan has stepped down
# "Dr. Seuss And The Afghan Military" - William Caldwell, "The Wall Street Journal"

# Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been appointing special envoys
# Iran has suspended the stoning sentence of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani


# "Spiegel" interviews Anna Chapman
# Yop U.S. officials met with leading Russians rights activists
# Elizabeth Dickinson reports on HIV/AIDS in Russia
# The "Moscow Times" reports on Visa-free travel for Russians to Europe

Of Interest
# Ukraine's security services question a leading opposition figure in a corruption probe
# "Turkey Can Be A Boon In Brussels" - Hague & Stubb, "Financial Times"
# A UN official from China had a couple drinks and told Ban Ki-Moon what he really thought
# "Power Transfer Will Shake North Korea" - Kaplan & Denmark, "Financial Times"

U.S. Politics/Foreign Policy
# Hillary Clinton delivers a speech on U.S. foreign policy (full text of remarks)
# "Newsweek" reports on drone strikes in Pakistan
# Rahm Emanuel is expected to run for Mayor of Chicago

From The Blogs
# The "Kings Of War" are in Afghanistan
# "Eastern Approaches (The Economist)" on Vladimir Putin's Sochi dinner
# "Danger Room (Wired)" on corruption in Afghanistan