Pakistan Court Presses For Probe Into Alleged Honor Killings

News of the mobile-phone video spread like wildfire, fueled by inaccuracies and sensationalism until it was out of control.

Officials in Pakistan have failed to reach a remote northwestern region of the country to investigate whether four women who appeared singing and clapping in a video with men who were not related to them have been murdered in an honor killing.

Officials reportedly told the Pakistani Supreme Court that bad weather prevented their investigative team's helicopter from landing in the remote village where the women's families live.

The court has ordered the women to appear before it on June 7.

Pakistani officials have been unable to find proof that the women are still alive.

On June 6 the two men who appear in the video briefed the court about the controversy.

Their brother has said that the remote Pakistani tribe slaughtered the accused women in front of four witnesses.

With reporting by BBC and Pakistani media