In Pakistan, Heavy Rains, Floods Kill More Than 20

Reports say flash floods and landslides triggered by heavy rains have killed more than 20 people in northern Pakistan.

Officials said rains have also destroyed hundreds of houses in Kashmir and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province.

Chaudhry Abdul Majeed, prime minister of Pakistan-administered Kashmir, said at least 17 people have been killed and nine others injured in six districts there since August 20.

Officials said nine people died in flooding in the northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Adnan Khan, an official from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, said he feared the death toll could rise.

Floods in Pakistan in the summer of 2011 affected nearly six million people, with floodwaters killing livestock, destroying crops, homes and infrastructure.

Based on reporting by AP, AFP, and dpa