Paris Terrorist Leader Claimed Entering France With 90 Militants

Belgian Islamic militant Abdelhamid Abaaoud led terrorist attacks in Paris that killed 130 people. (file photo)

A witness who has testified in the investigation of the November 13 Paris terrorist attacks says the Belgian extremist who led violence had bragged that he slipped into France with a group of 90 extremists from Europe and the Middle East.

The witness, who is enrolled in a protection program and has been identified only as Sonia, said Abdelhamid Abaaoud was proud that the Paris attacks killed 130 people.

The 42-year-old woman, who notified police about Abaaoud's location to the north of Paris after the attacks, made the remarks in an interview on RMC television that aired on February 4.

She said she was with Abaaoud's female cousin on November 15 when Abaaoud called her asking for a hideout.

The witness said she only realized who Abaaoud was when she and Abaaoud's cousin picked him up on a deserted industrial road outside of Paris.

After she tipped off French authorities, Abaaoud was killed at the hideout in a police raid.

Based on reporting by AP, RMC TV, and BBC