Police Question California Man Tied To Anti-Islamic Film

U.S. federal police are investigating the activities of a southern California filmmaker who has previously been convicted of financial crimes and is linked to the anti-Islam film trailer that has prompted protests around the world.

A Los Angeles County Sheriff's spokesman says Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was taken by police officers from his home to meet with federal probation officers early on September 15.

The probation department in California's central district is reviewing the case of Nakoula, who was convicted in 2012 of bank fraud and banned from using computers or the Internet without permission as part of his sentence.

The investigators are reportedly probing whether he violated his sentence in his reputed activities as a key figure behind the film "Innocence of Muslims."

U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American officials died in an attack in Benghazi this week amid violent protests against the film, and at least seven more people have died in connection with such protests in the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

Based on reporting by Reuters and AP