Russia Designates Germany-Based Russian Election Monitor NGO 'Undesirable'

Women vote in the 2020 gubernatorial election of Russia's Leningrad region in 2020.

Russia's Prosecutor General has declared Russian Election Monitor (REM) an "undesirable" organization, the State Duma commission to investigate foreign interference in Russian politics reported on February 1. Commission chief Vasily Piskarev said the Berlin-based NGO "was formed by a group of Polish, French, and German Russophobe politicians." Piskarev said REM came to his commission's attention during past election campaigns "in connection with discrediting" Russia's electoral system. "REM prepares foreign audiences to recognize the presidential elections in Russia as illegitimate,” Piskarev said. REM's website publishes electoral analyses, expert comments, and independent observers' assessments of Russian elections. To read the original story by Current Time, click here.