The Coldest Horses In The World

A Yakut horse at a breeders' farm close to the village of Tomtor. Raising horses is one of the main sources of income for many residents of the region.

The village of Tomtor, one of the coldest inhabited places on Earth, seen from a nearby mountain.

A visitor at "The Pole of Cold" marker in the village of Oymyakon

Yakut horses are well-adapted to the extreme cold. One of their traits is the ability to find vegetation to graze on under the deep snow.

Yakut horses are raised for their meat as well as for their labor. Horse makes up at least a quarter of annual meat consumption for many residents of Yakutia.

A farm near the village of Tomtor

At minus 57 degrees Celsius, hot water thrown into the air turns immediately into ice crystals.

The low afternoon sun over Oymyakon

Frozen clothes hang on the line in Oymyakon.

Small, sturdy Yakut horses graze near Tomtor.

A breeder prepares to weigh his horses.