Russians Say Farewell To Boris Nemtsov

People stand in a line to attend Nemtsov's memorial service.

Police block mourners during the farewell ceremony at the Andrei Sakharov Rights Centre in Moscow.

Aleksei Venediktov (left), editor in chief of the Ekho Moskvy radio station, and U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Tefft (second from right) arrive at Nemtsov's farewell ceremony.

Garry Minkh (right), Putin's envoy to the State Duma, represented the Russian president at the ceremony. ​Russia's minister for open government, Mikhail Abyzov (left), also attended.

Boris Yeltsin's widow, Naina Yeltsina (center right), and her daughter Tatyana Yumasheva (center left) arrive to pay their last respects.

Yulia, wife of opposition activist Aleksei Navalny, attended the farewell ceremony. Navalny, who is serving an administrative sentence for violating laws on mass gatherings, was not allowed to attend.

Dina Eidman, 87, Nemtsov's mother, pays her respects at her son's coffin.

Nemtsov's mother, Dina Eidman (left), and his daughter Dina (right), pay their respects.

Former British Prime Minister John Major attended Nemtsov's memorial service.

U.S. Ambassador to Russia John F. Tefft (center) pays his respects to Nemtsov's family.

People throw flowers ahead of a hearse transporting Nemtsov's coffin to the cemetery.

Pallbearers carry Nemtsov's coffin before the funeral.

Nemtsov's former partner, Yekaterina Odintsova (second from left), their children Anton (right) and Dina, and Nemtsov's mother, Dina Eidman (second from right), attend the funeral.

Mourners gather near Nemtsov's grave.

Nemtsov is laid to rest at Troyekurovskoye Cemetery in Moscow.