Putin Pledges Support To Russian-language Media, Universities Abroad

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said Moscow would continue to support Russian-language media abroad that provides "objective and honest" information on Russia and "its achievements."

Putin said on November 5 that such information helps to "strengthen Russia's international image and influence," and break "old stereotypes and prejudices" in the face of "all kinds of propaganda and cliche against Russia."

He made the remarks during a speech at the World Congress of Russian Compatriots Living Abroad.

Moscow will continue to support Russian universities to "strengthen" their branches abroad, "especially in the Commonwealth of Independent States," Putin said.

He also pledged to provide "favorable conditions" for young Russians living abroad to study in universities in Russia.

The forum organizers say some 400 representatives of the Russian diaspora are attending the two-day gathering in Moscow.

According to the Russian president's website, the nearly 30-million strong Russian diaspora residing in 97 countries is among four largest diasporas in the world.