Russian Foreign Ministry Criticizes EU Countries

Russia's Foreign Ministry has released a critical report on the human rights situation in the European Union in 2013.

The report, released on January 14, says the "most pressing" rights issues in the EU include a "steady growth of xenophobia, racism, violent nationalism, chauvinism, and neo-Nazism."

The report also cites a "lack of children's rights, gender inequality, [and] abuse of power by police."

It continues: "[G]overning bodies of the [EU] show indulgence, to say the least, towards violations of human rights by member states," noting rights violations of Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia.

The ministry also faults EU countries because foreigners "usually occupy low-wage and temporary jobs."

According to the UN's 2013 Human Development Index, Russia was ranked 55th in the world, behind every EU country except for Romania (56th) and Bulgaria (57th).