Russia's Plastic Surgery Disasters

Ukrainian-born model Valeria Lukyanova has used plastic surgery to make herself into a "real-life Barbie doll."

Valeria Lukyanova is a model from Ukraine who claims to be the "most famous Russian woman on the Russian-speaking Internet."

This is because she has used plastic surgery to make herself into a "real-life Barbie doll." Some claim that the images she has posted on her blog and her Facebook page are actually digitally altered. And she's not the only Russian woman to attempt to look like the iconic doll.

Her indulgence in plastic surgery is hardly unique in Russia, however, where clinics have sprouted up since the 1990s and business is booming, especially in Moscow. Some critics call it "one of the most unregulated areas in Russian health care" and there have even been reports of deaths related to plastic surgery gone wrong.

And the trend has produced its share of disasters, which many a Russian site has been happy to document.