Tajik President Promises Regional Consideration On Hydropower

President Emomali Rahmon

Tajik President Emomali Rahmon has offered conciliatory words regarding his country's controversial hydropower construction program.

During talks with a visiting European Parliament member, Rahmon said new hydropower stations will be built "taking all the regional nations' interests into account."

Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have been constructing new hydropower stations on the Syrdarya and Amudarya rivers for years.

They have been relying on significant financial and technical assistance from Russia.

Neighboring Uzbekistan has expressed concern over the projects, saying they would block water from reaching Uzbek farmers.

Dushanbe is preparing for an international conference on water issues scheduled for August 20-22.

Tajik and Kyrgyz plans on hydropower station construction are expected to be discussed at the gathering.

Based on reporting by Asia-Plus and Interfax