Three Guantanamo Detainees Transferred To Georgia

The United States has transferred to Georgia three detainees from the U.S. detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The Pentagon said on November 20 that Salah Mohammed Salih Al-Dhabi, Abdel Ghaib Ahmad Hakim, and Abdul Khaled Al-Baydani -- all from Yemen -- had been transferred to Georgia.

"The United States is grateful to the Government of Georgia for its willingness to support ongoing U.S. efforts to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility," the Pentagon said.

Georgia first received Guantanamo detainees in 2010, when three inmates were transferred. The identities of the three men were not disclosed at the time.

The U.S. Department of Defense also said on November 20 that one Yemeni and one Tunisian national had been transferred from Guantanamo to Slovakia.