De Facto South Ossetian Leader's Son-In-Law Found Dead

TSKHINVALI, Georgia -- Officials in Georgia's breakaway South Ossetia region say a son-in-law of de facto leader Leonid Tibilov has been found dead.

An official familiar with the investigation told RFE/RL on condition of anonymity that Tibilov's son-in-law, Vadim Valiyev, was found dead late in the evening on February 9.

He and other officials said it appeared Valiyev had shot himself.

Their accounts could not be independently verified.

Valiyev, 41, worked for the Prosecutor-General's Office in South Ossetia's separatist government.

He was the husband of Tibilov's daughter Marina Tibilova, the finance minister in the separatist government.

The couple has a daughter.